Cone Penetration Testing (CPT)

CPT investigations forms a large part of the GDS subsoil testing operations. The CPT provides a number of analysis parameters for geotechnical engineers to adequately assess underlying soil stratas for geotechnical hazards. Risks associated with construction such as liquefaction, settlement, land stability etc can be easily identified using a CPT. It is a cost effective, efficient and a non invasive tool to help mitigate those hazards.

All our CPT rigs are well equipped to undertake shallow instrumentation installs such as standpipe well installs and various other in-situ instrumentation. This aligns well with our telemetry setups. See 'Products' for further information.


Compact Anchored

Our Pagani TG63-150 cpt rig is a fully hydraulic rig on rubber tracks which runs on a petrol engine. The compact rig is light weight is extremely maneuverable and able to access difficult sites. this rig is ideal for operating on soft ground and/or sloping ground conditions. The rig is equipped with an automatic self-anchoring system, which quickly anchors the rig to the ground using either 100/200 or 300 mm diameter continuous spiral screw anchors.

When  anchored, this rig is able to push up to 15 tons. The anchors are very effective, giving good anchorage in almost all conditions (including soft clays and loose sands). The rig is also equipped with a drop hammer for dynamic testing and sampling. The drop hammer is a 63.5 kg hammer with a drop height of 750 mm (SPT configuration).

  • Compact & Versatile
  • Rubber Tracks
  • Low Establishment Costs
  • Light Weight
  • Self-anchoring

Box Crawler

The GDS Boxed Crawler CPT Rig is a ballasted and fully contained crawler mounted unit for CPT investigations, whatever the ground conditions. This next-generation unit represents a complete redesign of the CPT crawler system.

All our CPT rigs are also equipped to undertake shallow instrumentation installs such as standpipe well installs and various other in-situ instrumentation. This aligns well with our telemetry instrumentation units. See ‘Products’ for further information.

  • Higher push/pull rate
  • Rubber Tracks
  • Low Establishment Costs
  • Ballasted Weight (No Self-anchoring)

Accurate Location Information

Our goal is to always supply Reliable Data and in this instance each CPT investigation we record an accurate GPS coordinate (<1.0m accuracy) with adequate location information, including photographic evidence, underground service markings located, dipped groundwater levels and any additional notes our clients may require.

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