Data Collection and Transmission
GDS offers a range of data loggers which range from submersible loggers, vibrating wire data logger, single vibrating wire loggers (including temperature), crack meters or displacement transducer loggers, along with telemetry data loggers which uses a Bluetooth interface with Mobile phone and transmits through either satellite or 4G communication to a central portal.

Digital Node
The Encardio-rite EDS-21V series of vibrating wire strain gauges are designed to measure large strains up to 5000 micro-strains.
Model EDS-21V-E embedment strain gage is used to measure strains in concrete mass. It is designed to measure strain in underground cavities, tunnels, buildings, concrete and masonry dams etc.
Model EDS-21V-E embedment strain gage has stainless steel flanges at either ends and is suitable for embedment directly in concrete. Any deformation in the concrete mass causes the two end blocks to move relative to one another, thus changing the tension in the wire, resulting in a corresponding change in its frequency of vibrations. It is similar to model EDS-20V-E embedment strain gage, except that it is used to measure large strains unto 5000 micro-strains. Model EDS-20V-E can measure up to 3000 micro-strains.

Relay Node
Model EWN-01R wireless node is designed to extend the wireless range of the nodes (analog, vw or digital node). It expands the data transfer possibilities from other nodes via wireless RF network.
Relay node is useful in situation where a node is unable to find a network path to reach the gateway, either due to long distance between them, or due to some obstruction in the line of sight. A relay node is then placed between the node and gateway to allow the node to communicate with the gateway.
The wireless relay node is a highly reliable integrated system that helps other nodes to smoothly transmit collected data through long range radio frequency wireless communication network to the Gateway. A cloud-hosted data management and configuration software is used to manage the network. The configuration is done with an easy to use smartphone application that comes free with the system. Gateway uploads the collected sensor data to the central/cloud server.
A cloud-hosted data management software is available to process and manage the huge data collected at project site. The data is accessible 24 x 7, in meaningful visual formats, to all the related authorities. The system can generate automatic reports and provide automated alerts over SMS or email for any reading crossing the pre-defined alert levels.

Datalogger for Water Level & Rain Gage
The ESCL-10VT is a single channel vibrating wire data logger, designed for monitoring a single vibrating wire sensor (including temperature) such as a piezometer, crack meter or displacement transducer.
This data logger uses a Bluetooth modem to interface with Mobile phone. Data logger can be connected through mobile phone using ESCL-10VT application software running on mobile phone. The data logger can additionally monitor barometric pressure and rainfall, using a tipping bucket rain gage.
The following data transmission options are available in the above data loggers:
- Telemetry through GSM/GPRS modem
- Read out/data retrieval using a laptop

Gateway System
Model EWG-01 gateway is an important device of the wireless network system. It acts as a network node for wireless communication with different types of nodes (vibrating wire, analog, digital and relay nodes) having altogether different transmission protocols. The gateway serves as an exit point/central hub for wireless data obtained from the sensors as the readings pass through or communicate with the gateway prior to being routed to a FTP or cloud server.In addition it passes control messages through the network to ensure seamless operation.
The gateway can collect data from practically any type of sensor like vibrating wire, analog and digital through suitable nodes. Options of single channel and multi-channel nodes are available to give user flexibility to make better cost effective selection, depending on site requirements.A cloud-hosted data management and configuration software is used to manage the network. The configuration is done with an easy to use smartphone application that comes free with the system. Gateway uploads the collected sensor data to the central/cloud server.
Drishti, a cloud-hosted data management software is available to process and manage the huge data collected at project site. The data is accessible 24 x 7, in meaningful visual formats, to all the related authorities. The system can generate automatic reports and provide automated alerts over SMS or email for any reading crossing the pre-defined alert levels.

Single Channel Datalogger for Vibrating Wire Sensors
Model ESCL-12VT single channel datalogger is designed for collecting data automatically from any vibrating wire sensor with integral thermistor. With telemetry option, it transfers the data to cloud/private server through in-built GPRS/GSM modem at set intervals. Schedule can be set as fast as 5 minutes. Automatic collection and wireless transmission of data helps in reducing field costs and provides easy access to near real-time data with early alarms.
The datalogger has the facility of two way communication. This further reduces field costs significantly as it provides remote access to configure, receive system status update, and carry out maintenance or diagnostics and preventive actions from office itself. This eliminates any need of site visit after installation.
ESCL-12VT is a compact rugged datalogger that can be used in a variety of application to provide accurate and reliable data from vibrating wire sensors. It features a wide operating temperature range, dependable standalone operation, low power consumption, compatibility with many telecommunication options and flexibility to support a variety of measurement and control applications. It has an on board 5-pin connector for rapid sensor connection. The durable construction makes it well-suited for unattended applications.

Portable Indicator for VW sensors
Model EDI-54V indicator is an advanced readout unit/logger which can be used to log data from vibrating wire sensors. It can be store calibration coefficients of more than 10,000 vibrating wire sensors so that the value of the measured parameter from the sensors can be shown directly inproper engineering units. For sensors provided with an internal YSI 44005 or equivalent 3 k0hms thermistor, the sensor temperature is displayed directly in degree Centigrade or Fahrenheit. The indicator has an internal non-volatile memory with sufficient capacity to store about 525,000 readings while scanning from any of the programmed transducer. Each reading in stamped with date and time.
Model EDI-54V indicator uses a smartphone with Android OS as readout with a user friendly software for configuration, retrieving and viewing sensor data.The phone running on Android operating system provides a powerful platform to manage our configuration application efficiently. Since readout unit is a mobile phone, its operation is user friendly and convenient.
The huge computational and image processing power of smartphone allows the application to display the logged data as tables and graphs and keep a record of previous data. This allows the operator to verify the logged data and investigate any anomaly immediately at site. The measured reading can be viewed in terms of time period, frequency, frequency squared or directly in relevant engineering units.

Datalogger for Digital Sensors
The ESDL-30 data logger is designed to log data from any sensor with an SDI-12 digital interface. It can be programmed to measure from 5 seconds to 168 hours in a linear mode. All the measured data is stored together with the current date, time and battery voltage, in the internal non-volatile memory of the data logger.
The ESDL-30 is a rugged data logger that operates in a wide temperature range, reliable in a stand-alone operation, power efficient and great compatibility with numerous telecommunication options. The data logger can perform a variety of measurement and control applications with accuracy and reliability.

Vibrating Wire Node
Model EWN-01V/08V series of wireless vibrating wire nodes are designed to expand the data collection possibilities from vibrating wire sensors via wireless RF network, eliminating the need for running lengthy cables. These are especially useful at locations where sensors are distributed over wide areas and running cable lengths to long distances can be tricky and /or at locations where construction activity can disrupt the running sensor cables.
It is available in variants to connect a single (model EWN-01V) to eight (model EWN-08V)sensors with inbuilt thermistor. The node is capable of exciting and sampling vibrating wire sensors.
The complete range of vibrating wire sensors can be connected to wireless node including:
- Piezometer, water level sensor
- Strain gage
- Pressure cell
- Displacement sensor, extensometer, crack meter, joint meter
- Temperature meter
- Settlement monitoring sensor

Analog Node
Model EWN-01A/04A series of wireless analog nodes are designed to expand the data collection possibilities from analog sensors (with millivolt, voltage, 4-20 mA, wheatstone bridge output) via wireless RF network, eliminating the need for running lengthy cables. These are especially useful at locations where sensors are distributed over wide areas and running cable lengths to long distances can be tricky and /or at locations where construction activity can disrupt the running sensor cables.
The analog node is available in single and multi channel variants to connect one analog sensor (model EWN-01A), to up to four sensors (model EWN-04A). The complete range of analog sensors can be connected to wireless node including:
- Resistive strain gage type load cells
- MEMS tilt meters
- Electrolytic level (EL) tilt meters
- Thermistors
- Sensors with millivolt output
- Sensors with 4-20 mA output

Portable Indicator for analog sensors
Encardio-rite model EDI-53 series readout units is a micro-processor based read out unit which can be used with various type of sensors, like those with voltage output, current output, etc. The readout unit can display the measured parameter directly in applicable engineering units. Potentiometric and resistance strain gauge based geotechnical transducer from most other manufacturers can also be read by the EDI-53.
The readout unit is available in following variants:
- EDI-53P for potentiometric displacement transducers with voltage output
- EDI-53L for resistive strain gauge load cells
- EDI-53I for 4-20 mA DC current output transducer
- EDI-53UTM for tilt meters with voltage output
- EDI-53UTM-C for electrolytic level type tilt meters
Model EDI-53 digital indicator can store calibration coefficients of maximum 250 numbers of transducers. It can store either around 3600 readings from any one transducer or about 14 sets of readings from all the 250 transducers. Each reading is stamped with date and time at which the measurement was taken.